Education, youth and adult education

Professional way. Internship is not only part of the student training itinerary, but also part of the course teaching plan. §Internships are design to learn specific skills contextualiz in. Professional activities and courses, aiming to develop students’ abilities in civic life and work. How the workload of interns is regula clock, in the background is… Continue reading Education, youth and adult education

Europe does not believe Spain’s green shoots

The primary deficit that Greece, Ireland and Portugal no longer have is worrying. If it is not resolve .  The EU will block the appointments of Luis de Guindos Europe does not and Arias Cañete Brussels endorses the real estate macro-project in Gibraltar Rajoy designs a mini-government crisis that will include Ana Mato Catalonia is… Continue reading Europe does not believe Spain’s green shoots

Banco Santander and Caixabank request the sales notebook 

The former economic vice president Pedro Solbes, director of the British entity, ‘sells’ the profitability of the high-income clients in his portfolio to the large Spanish banks Isidro Fainé (CaixaBank) gets ‘wet’ about the independence of Catalonia: “Better together than apart” Banco Santander ignores pressure from the Government and will not stay with Catalunya Caixa… Continue reading Banco Santander and Caixabank request the sales notebook 

Rajoy has offered Artur Mas the creation of a ‘Catalan 

Proposal from Sáenz de Santamaría to Joana Ortega: the State will transfer part of the VAT, the regional portion of personal income tax, and taxes on alcohol and tobacco. Catalonia will raise more Moncloa relies on La Vanguardia to launch messages against independence in Rajoy has offered Catalonia Rajoy and Rubalcaba used Adolfo Suárez’s funeral… Continue reading Rajoy has offered Artur Mas the creation of a ‘Catalan 

The flat rate of 100 euros for Social Security creates

It represents an increase of 5% compared to February. It was the star measure that Mariano Rajoy announced in Congress in the last State of the Nation Debate Rajoy announces tax cuts and challenges Artur Mas to present a reform of the Constitution The number of unemployed people in Spain who reject a job offer… Continue reading The flat rate of 100 euros for Social Security creates

Merkel allies with Holland and Austria so that the ECB punishes

They pressure Mario Draghi not to fight deflation in the eurozone. They refuse to lose money with the non-payments that the State and Spanish companies  Merkel allies with have with them The Frenchman Barnier visited Rajoy three times in Spain to ask for his vote Rajoy changes plans . Alicia Sánchez-Camacho stays in Catalonia and… Continue reading Merkel allies with Holland and Austria so that the ECB punishes

Vodafone will pay TVE the telecom fee again

The purchase of ONO and its commitment to television puts an end to its refusal to pay the payment that was impose on the operators to compensate for the elimination of advertising Movistar . Vodafone and Orange give in: price with VAT include Telefónica Vodafone will pay will become . The third television operator in… Continue reading Vodafone will pay TVE the telecom fee again

Florentino Pérez sold’ ACS to China’s main millionaire

The Marches manage to unseat Florentino Pérez in ACS but manage to remain in the presidency for another year Florentino Pérez will merge ACS with Hotchief before the end of the year What some sheikhs from Oman did in the Bernabéu box during the Madrid-Barça match The seven homegrown players that Real Madrid spoils Anger… Continue reading Florentino Pérez sold’ ACS to China’s main millionaire

The Government intensifies surveillance of employers and unions 

Reduce State aid for management expenses by half. 2) Daily inspections. 3) Awarding in tenders open to private companies New blow to CCOO and UGT: a judge annuls the training subsidies grante last year CCOO fails to fulfill its promise to make its accounts public UGT, CC.OO and CEOE demand that the Government put order… Continue reading The Government intensifies surveillance of employers and unions 

Message from Rajoy to Montoro Without the officials

The Government receives messages from groups of public employees threatening to vote for punishment for the mistreatment they suffer. The Treasury has announce 950 new positions Congress will debate signing deputies to control their activity in the Chamber The Treasury will intensify inspections of delinquent businessmen so that they do not ’empty’ the company The… Continue reading Message from Rajoy to Montoro Without the officials

The Treasury unexpectedly cuts the deadline for direct

Declaration payments Until now, the period ended on April 15 for the first quarter, but the Tax Agency has brought forward the closing to the 14th at the last minute this year. How will the Government bring ministers, general directors, deputies, senators into line? The Treasury will intensify inspections of delinquent businessmen so that they… Continue reading The Treasury unexpectedly cuts the deadline for direct

Attention consumers: smart electricity meters reveal

The electricity companies have warne Minister Soria that they can violate privacy and provoke a flood of lawsuits from customers for invading their privacy. Another scare on the electricity bill: you will have to pay a fixe monthly fee to connect to the network Attention Turning off the electricity in summer residences will be expensive:… Continue reading Attention consumers: smart electricity meters reveal