The primary deficit that Greece, Ireland and Portugal no longer have is worrying. If it is not resolve . The EU will block the appointments of Luis de Guindos Europe does not and Arias Cañete Brussels endorses the real estate macro-project in Gibraltar Rajoy designs a mini-government crisis that will include Ana Mato Catalonia is the sixth country in Europe according to the data manage . Artur Mas Mariano Rajoy and José Manuel Durao Barroso. Mariano Rajoy and José Manuel Durão Barroso. 36 Anger of the European authorities with the Rajoy Government. They do not understand that Spain continues to register a primary deficit while other countries, a priori in a worse situation, such as Greece, Portugal and Ireland, are already showing surpluses. They have warne that this scenario leaves the appointments of Luis de Guindos and Miguel Arias Cañete up in the air.
At the moment it is being carried out discreetly
Brussels voices are beginning to be heard from commissioners and relevant European finance ministers who are speaking out privately against the progress Belize WhatsApp Number List of the Spanish economy. This is reveale by senior community officials to whom El Confidencial Digital has had access . The cause of the malaise is an indicator that is talke about very little, but which is decisive for the European Commission: the primary deficit . It is the difference between income and expenses, but discounting everything relate to the repayment of the debt and the payment of interest . European leaders give maximum importance to this indicator because it is what really marks the cut in recurrent spending that a country is making.
Only EU country with a primary deficit according
The sources consulted, what really bothers Brussels is that Spain is the only EU country that still has this primary deficit. They highlight that other Singapore WhatsApp Number List countries that initially presente a large imbalance in their accounts, when debt expenses are deducte already achieve primary surpluses . This is the case, for example, of Portugal, Ireland, Italy and even Greece. The reproaches to De Guindos at dinners Sources in Brussels consulted by ECD report that in some of the last private dinners of Minister Luis de Guindos with his European ‘colleagues’ he is already hearing reproaches in this direction. These are some of the complaints that are being .