The National Court expands the complaint for fraud in SOS 

The siege on the brothers Jesús and Jaime Salazar, former owners of the SOS Group, today called Deoleo, tightens even more. An order from Fernando Andreu, judge of the National Court, extends the investigation to Jesús Salazar’s wife, Patricia Esteban Martínez, to her father-in-law and to her brother-in-law for allegedly having transferred money from the food group to their property companies. Danone launches a line of ‘low cost’ products for the first time Villar Mir, Ignacio González and Ana , denounced for looting by ‘Operation Canalejas’ Universal Justice: Can a Spanish judge refuse to apply a law approved by the Cortes The family challenges the refinancing agreements that have saved the Prisa Group The Salazar brothers, owners of the SOS Group. The Salazar brothers, owners of the SOS Group.

The investigation of the case of the 230 million euro

Credit that the brothers Jesús and Jaime Salazar grante themselves when they were in charge of SOS continues. The judge of the National Court, Fernando Andreu , has admitte the extension of the complaint propose by the current managers of the SOS Group, today Bahrain WhatsApp Number List Deoleo, against the family of the former president of the company, Jesús Salazar. According to an order issue by the magistrate on February 5, the investigation being continue in the National Court against the former leaders of the food group, the brothers Jesús and Jaime Salazar, is now expand to include Jesús’ wife, Patricia Esteban Martínez , to his father-in-law and brother-in-law, Antonio Esteban and Pablo Esteban .

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In addition the complaint is also extend

A former director of the group, Pascual Carrión Belda. The reasons why these four new people, who join the Salazars and several former  Indonesia WhatsApp Number List the company, are include in the complaint are for alleged crimes of fraud, misappropriation , corporate crime , falsification of a commercial document , lifting of assets and money laundering . The judge has also agree to seize the assets of   the defendants to face any civil liability they may have incurre. The complaint is also extende to the companies salest, new salest, estudio Bienbe and Carespa SA This case dates back to 2009. In April, the Salazar brothers were removed as head of the company for allegedly transferring 204 million euros to a holding company linked to both from the SOS treasury.

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