What a “feminist beer” is and how it aims to change the industry

Imagine an ordinary beer commercial. What themes does it have. Who stars in it? You most likely think of scantily clad women offering a refreshing drink to men or perhaps stereotypes of wives or girlfriends preventing their partners from having fun. These two stereotypes are two sides of the same coin and reflect the sexism that still prevails not only in the beer industry but also in the advertising industry. Trying to think of ways to draw attention to this and propose a different way of doing marketing. The Brazilian creative activism group 65 | 10 (name that comes from 2 statistics in that country: 65% of women do not feel reflected in advertising and only 10% of creatives in advertising agencies are women) decided to create a feminist beer brand.

According to Thais Fabris

One of the founders of the group. They wante to raise awareness about Chile Mobile Number Database machismo in advertising to Fast Company magazine and chose beer because it is a product that is sold with stereotypes. Whether it is a large brand or a an artisanal one: “for us. This has many dangerous aspects. Since it objectifies women and allows daily sexual harassment.” The beer create by the group is call ” Cerveja Feminista “. From the company Beauvoir Brewing (a nod to the famous writer Simone de Beauvoir), it already has a website (in Portuguese) and has also been produce.

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The idea is that by including

A Feminista Red Ale at a party or gathering. Attendees will see the unusual label Germany Phone Number List and talk about it. Fabris is aware that this project alone cannot change the entire sexist culture. Says that starting with marketing is a good strategy: “If we can avoid advertising that stereotypes women, we are changing an important part of our culture.” “, says. In the end, the goal is “to build a society in which men and women have equal rights.” In their launch press release. The creators stresse the responsibility of those who work in the advertising industry: «Brazilian creatives must take responsibility knowing that by portraying women as objects they allow men to think of them as their possession. Which leads to violence. In fact, in Brazil. Every 90 minutes a woman dies as a victim of domestic violence.”

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