Government investigate two and a half million unemployed

They are demanding proof that they are registere with the INEM and that they are looking for work. In 2013 . The State save 3.1 billion in subsidies Employment improves the Government investigate  unemployment payment management service How the self-employe can save on Social Security contributions Social Security will pursue fraud in part-time contracts The number of unemploye people in Spain who reject a job offer decreases Unemployment drops by people in the third quarter. Unemployment drops by 72,000 people in the third quarter. The Government is inspecting the two and a half million unemploy people who collect unemployment benefits. It has launche an exhaustive review of all beneficiaries.

They are examine one by one to verify

They meet the requirements that entitle them to the benefit. Objective: to surface situations in which they are receiving the subsidy improperly. The Ministry of Employment launched a strategy a few months ago to tighten control over fraud and attempts to Belarus WhatsApp Number List deceive the Administration in the collection of any of the Social Security benefits. Now as El Confidencial Digital has learned from government sources . The department heade by Fátima Báñez is giving another twist to administrative control to reduce roguery among unemployment beneficiaries.

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New round after saving 3,000 million

This new offensive occurs after, between January and the Public Employment Services (the former INEM) withdrew benefits from 159,793 unemployed people, and another 360,779 had their payments suspended for different reasons. . This first control of fraud in Italy WhatsApp Number List  the Báñez stage meant they estimate  . A saving of 3.1 billion in spending on unemployment benefits. Meet all the requirements one by one Now investigations are intensified and expanded  . They explain, to quickly detect and sanction any person who is receiving the subsidy without not having the right to receive it. According to the sources consulted .  The Public Employment Services are inspecting around two and a half million beneficiaries.

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