Free nursing course is focused on

Free nursing course is focused on patient care and provides an overview of the skills and techniques for advanced hygiene on patients. What the environment and safety of the patient’s stay should be like, the role of the nurse in dietary. Therapy and how to ensure patient safety and comfort in adult care. This free course is create and taught by the team at  the student with an overview of the functions, methods. And techniques applie in the provision of patient care. With special emphasis on daily bathing, oral hygiene, and the benefits of a back massage for patient comfort.

Who is the Nursing and

Patient Care course aime at? The nursing course is in Spanish, with videos and exercises. It is aime at health professionals who want to improve their nursing techniques for patient Switzerland Phone Number Data  care or for students who want to start their nursing career. In other words, it is to those who study or work in the areas of Nursing and health . To participate, no prior technical knowlege is require to complete this course. All you nee is a computer with a stable Internet connection to access all the course content online.

What will be studied in the

nursing and patient care course? With a duration of 4 hours of total work and effort, the nursing course is divided into 8 modules among which you will study how to provide good Kuwait Phone Number List  care to the elderly with nursing procedures and practices in this free online. Nursing course. At the end of the course you will be able to do a true and false exercise to check if you have really learned all the basic concepts of Nursing. You will have access to the materials and resources necessary to complete your training.

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