An employee visa or a work

An employee visa This type of visa is grant to foreigners. Who have a job offer from a company in Luxembourg. Most of the applications for this permit are submitty the employer so the first step is to find a company that will hire you. The procedure for obtaining an employee visa An employee visa can only be obtained when there are no candidates for the position in Luxembourg or on the EU labor market. Therefore at the first stage the employer must submit a vacancy to the National Employment Agency ADEM in French Agence pour le dveloppement de lemploi.

If a suitable candidate is not found

Within weeks the employer can conclude a contract with an employee who is not a citizen of an EU member state. After obtaining permission Brazil Phone Number Data from ADEM the employer and the employee can sign an employment contract. Next the employee applies to the Luxembourg consulate and receives a work visa. The cost of the visa The fee for obtaining and renewing a visa is euros. Duration of the visa A maximum visa can be obtained for one year after which it can be extended for another three years. Importantly The worker cannot change jobs without the governments permission before the first visa renewal.

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Visa for highly qualified personnel

EU Blue Card The procedure for obtaining an EU Blue Card is similar to a visa for employees but is available only to a certain category of specialists. Requirements for issuing an EU blue card To get a visa an employee must . Have a highly Mexico Whatsapp Number qualified job offer from a Luxembourg employer. . The salary for the vacancy must be . times higher than the average salary in Luxembourg. . Provide confirmation of diplomas and professional qualifications in English French or German. How to arrange Similarly with the visa for employees first. The employer submits a vacancy to ADEM after approval and signing of the employment contract. Documents can be submitt to the Luxembourg consulate.

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