the most common form of punishment for tax crimes

Brazilian tax law provides for penalties of imprisonment and detention depending on the act committed, its gravity and aggravating factors. However,  is the imposition of fines (forced payment of money). Generally speaking, the prison term is up to years and for civil servants, it is up to years. Detention can last from months to years. Tax Crime Hierarchy See what the main tax sanctions are. The systematization of tax crime in Brazil began in 2001 when criminal sanctions were instituted as a way to curb tax evasion. Expect more or less sanctions depending on the severity. The main one is that fines are defined as mandatory monetary payments resulting from non-compliance with legal or contractual obligations.

Sentences range from two

Five years and detention periods range from six months to two years. Penalties may be waived if fees are paid prior to criminal prosecution. Other penalties may apply at the administrative level such as seizure of goods and documents, seizure of vehicles carrying goods subject to seizure, confiscation Belgium Mobile Number List of assets and national or foreign currency penalties, refusal of any registration, establishment of ban. How can companies avoid tax crimes? Respect your company’s tax regime It is common practice to open a small business within the framework to avoid the additional costs of the new tax regime. In addition to being fraudulent and subject to penalties, such arrangements do not always save money.

The ideal situation is to conduct

Complete tax planning to determine the most appropriate option. Never alter any type of tax document. Allow business owners to change the value of invoices, sales notes or copies to a lower value in order to reduce the amount of tax they pay. There is also the practice of inserting false information Belarus Phone Number List into tax books. Don’t resort to this type of fraud just to save money. Sanctions can cause big losses. Also be aware that automated systems create errors. Always rely on audits to keep all accounts up to date and to catch inconsistencies before Treasury inspectors! Only a professional and reliable professional will know how to set up a business account without committing any type of tax crime.

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