Spain prepares an offensive to win back Russian tourists

Come to our beaches, here you will not find hostility”, the slogan of the Government campaign, with videos and brochures, to attract them Spain prepares again this summer to the coasts This is what the powerful Russian fleet in Crimea looks like from a satellite Rota’s anti-missile shield is not capable of stopping new Russian missiles Putin’s tactics to wash his image Russian tourists on the beach. Russian tourists on the beach. Although the Government maintains that Spain will not be harm the EU crisis with Russia, several departments of the Executive are already working on a campaign so that Russian tourists do not reject the Spanish coasts this summer in retaliation for the sanctions that the EU will apply to Moscow for the annexation of Crimea.

Some of the first forecasts

The least optimistic – from businessmen in the sector estimate, a few months before the summer season, a 20% drop in reservations for this summer. Government reaction to reverse the situation Face with this problem, diplomatic sources assure ECD that the Afghanistan WhatsApp Number List Government is going to make an effort to turn it around due to the importance that Russian tourism has for Spain. The dissemination of videos and brochures is even propose. Which will be promote through the Spanish Embassy in Moscow or local travel agencies . These are some of the slogans that are being use for this offensive: – “Come to our beaches, you will not find hostility here Spain will welcome you with open arms ” – “You will be welcome with the same hospitality as always.

The arrival of Russians has doubled

FIve years assures that Isabel Pantoja has no reason to be in love The presence of Russian tourists has grown at a spectacular rate in recent years in Spain. Since the beginning of the crisis, in 2008, airports have doubled the number of passengers from this Arabia Whatsapp Number country. Last year 1.5 million Russian travelers visited Spain in 1.2 million; nearly 860,000 in . This figure represented an increase of 42% compared to the previous year. The goal of reaching 2 million is in danger Russia is one of the fastest growing markets in the last decade, according to data provided by the Spanish Confederation of Hotels and Tourist Accommodations (CEHAT).

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