Office subordinate to the governments

In case of refusal they are oblige. To leave the country for a certain period of time up to months. It is necessary to provide the competent authorities. With a Grenzbertrittsbescheinigung certificate about the timely crossing of the border. Those who do not meet this condition may be forcibly deport. It should note that the ban on entry to Germany has an unlimit term. In addition the following persons are subject to deportation . Foreigners who attempted to cross the border illegally or violated customs rules or the order of stay in the territory of the Schengen Agreement countries . Persons who have been observed using forged documents.

Foreigners included to public order

In the AZR list national register of persons undesirable for entry . Persons who have been convict on the territory of the EU for a crime punishable by imprisonment for a term of year or more . Foreigners whose stay poses a threat and danger to Netherlands Phone Number List public order or internal security of the EU . Foreigners who contributed to illegal immigration to Germany . Persons who received an injunction for deportation in a forced manner and did not compensate the state expenses. Persons who have not left the territory. Of Germany in time or have not provided. Grenzbertrittsbescheinigung certificate will receive an order prohibiting entry. To the countries of the Schengen Agreement.

Phone Number List

The data will be entered

Into the AZR register and the Schengen Information System. Who decides on deportation from Germany In Germany there are two institutions that Brazil Whatsapp Number are responsible for the implementation of the deportation procedure the Auslnderbehrde Foreigners  of the federal states and the Bundesamt fr Migration und Flchtlinge BAMF Federal Office for Migration and Refugees. The Auslnderbehrde is mainly responsible for issuing and enforcing deportation orders. BAMF can issue deportation orders in asylum cases. The department of the federal land where he lives will be responsible for the person.

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