Mercadona revolutionizes the price system: reductions during 

Pursues to attract new clients with flexible offers and sell out perishable products at the end of the day. Eroski busca comprador para Caprabo: debe recortar una deuda de 3.000 million Botín Francisco González . Pablo Isla Lara Isidoro Álvarez and Juan . Roig Mercadona revolutionizes  have stay without traveling with Rajoy to Washington because of Moncloa. The presence of Juan Roig Mercadona at the New Year’s Concert in Vienna. la Audiencia Nacional sobre los pagos en dinero negro de empresarios en Génova Juan Roig president of Mercadona. Juan Roig presidente de Mercadona. Mercadona will deploy a commercial strategy specially designefor times of crisis.

Además se aplicarán rebajas

The day and in function of the demand. According to El Confidencial Digital  the strategy consists of que los responsables de los departamentos de productos freshs de cada supermercado lower the prices of those articles throughout the day. Y con total Poland Phone Number List  independencia de lo que hagan otros locales de la chaina. They will only consider the concrete demand that is being produce in this center. Esta rebaja la pueden aplicar cuando ellos considere . Opportuno y de manera electronica. para que que que que que que reflecado de immediato en la balanza donde por ejemplo se pesa la fruita. alencia. Now it has been decide to apply this system to all the centers of Spain in the next few weeks.

Phone Number list

After these pilot tests the company’s

Management considere it advisable to opt for this formula and not only to reduce the price of perishable products at the end of the day as had been done until now. The reason is that the consumer does not understand that an hour before closing the price drop is due Saudi Arabia Phone Number List to the fact that the product is in poor condition  even to throw away. At that time is when it is offere much cheaper. Attract customers with flexible offers According to the sources consulte the approach of the food chain chair by Juan Roig is clear: attract customers with flexible offers.

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