Five havoc of stress on your body

Not only poor diet can wreak havoc on our health . Emotions are closely relate to the digestive system, and how many times do we not feel stomach pain when we are nervous about something? Gastrointestinal conditions are usually relate to our lifestyle; The way we eat, the physical activity we do and even our mood can influence the development of some diseases . Fiber foods via1.- Digestive system From a biological point of view, the digestive system is controlle both by the nervous system and by some brain hormones, which implies that many of the signs and symptoms of gastrointestinal diseases are mediate by alterations in these systems. On the other hand, the immune system can also be affecte by stress , which in turn compromises the digestive system through infection and inflammation.

It is important to include foods

Gastric problem via .- Gastritis and ulcers Gastritis is inflammation of the stomach Honduras Mobile Number List lining, which is commonly cause by the presence of a bacteria call Helicobacter pylori . However, there are other causes by which gastritis can occur, such as alcohol consumption, the use of non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, and the consumption of very irritating foods. The relationship between gastritis, ulcers and stress lies in the increase acid production observe in these situations. Studies have shown that chronic stress has a significant association with the risk of ulcers in combination with irregular eating habits. 3.- Irritable bowel syndrome This syndrome affects approximately ten percent of the population and is characterize by symptoms of abdominal pain, stomach discomfort, inflammation, flatulence and alterations in intestinal rhythm, which causes everything from diarrhea to constipation.

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The symptoms of the conditions that leading

It is believe that psychological factors are among the causes that alter intestinal Iran Phone Number List  motility . Some researchers have pointe out that an important substance in this stress response is People often suffer from constipation due to a lack of fiber in their diet, insufficient fluid consumption, or loss of intestinal muscle tone. Stress can create a vicious cycle between mood and poor digestion . Lifestyle changes due to stress pressures at work, school, or traveling may be responsible for making constipation worse. More and more is known about the relationship between chronic stress and the way in which interactions between the digestive system and the brain are modulate. In such a way that within the understanding of these conditions we no longer only resort to finding the “organic” cause of the disease but also to evaluate the psychological profile of the patient.

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