VIP businessmen have asked Rajoy to appoint an economic

They complain that they do not have a single, commanding interlocutor within the Government. They criticized the clash with De Guindos vip businessmen to appoint the president of the AEB and Soria’s war with the electricity companies Message from big businessmen to Rubalcaba: You have to be a candidate for the PSOE primaries The macro survey that Rajoy manages for the Europeans: 4 million undecided Rajoy reacts and will go to the Basque Country to a PP campaign event Rajoy with the big businessmen in La Moncloa. Rajoy with the big businessmen in La Moncloa. It was one of the main complaints from the country’s main businessmen to Rajoy during the meeting this Wednesday at La Moncloa.

They asked him to name an economic vice president

Sources present at the meeting reveal to ECD that some of the managers who attended the meeting asked Rajoy, specifically, for the appointment of an economic vice president . They miss, they explained, being able to negotiate the fundamental issues that affect Australia Phone Number List Spain and its multinationals with an economic vice president, in the style of what happened with Rodrigo Rato and Pedro Solbes. A single interlocutor, and with command , without having VIP businessmen to depend on several ministers at the same time. On occasions, they explained, when De Guindos has spoken with bank executives as Minister of Economy, he has had to listen to them ask him the question of whether Montoro, in the Treasury, thought the same or was against it .

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Two examples of not knowing who to turn to

The sources to which this confidentiality has had access highlight two clashes with the Government in which large businessmen were disconcerted , not knowing who was the best interlocutor to unblock a crisis situation. They cite the fight between Minister Luis de  Cambodia Phone Number List Guindos and the country’s five main bankers due to the appointment of José María Roldán as president of the AEB, which Economy first vetoed and which he later ‘allowed’. They claim that for almost two months, the tension between the large financial groups and the ministry was “monumental . Inthey claim, they did not find a valid interlocutor to mediate the conflict . In the end, the bank won the fight and ended up placing the former Director of Regulation of the Bank of Spain in the employers’ association.

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