How to make an appointment

You can visit a doctor by appointment only. How to make an appointment at a public clinic in Turkey Lets talk further. Registration in the health care system of Turkey To be able to make an appointment with a doctor at a public clinic in Turkey you will nee to register with the Turkish Social Security Agency SGK. If you work for a Turkish employer they will usually register you in the system and cover part of your meical expenses. If you are selfemploye or do not work at all you will nee to register yourself. To do this visit any social protection center in the Republic of Turkey there are about of them in the country. For registration it is necessary to provide a residence permit passport and taxpayer identification number TIN.

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Choose a healthcare provider any public hospital. Pay fees online by bank transfer or at the nearest SGK office. Get a health insurance card at a South Korea WhatsApp Number List public clinic in Turkey There are three ways to make an appointment at a public hospital in Turkey . In a meical institution. . By hotline number. . Through the Internet. Method making an appointment at the hospital Visit the nearest state clinic and make an appointment with the administrator of the meical facility. This method is useful because you can visit the doctor on the same day. It is better to come for an appointment early in the morning because on average one doctor can accept patients a day.

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Then when the doctors quota is fille it is impossible to make an appointment for that day. Undoubtely this method of making an appointment is the most common and common for citizens of many countries of the world but it has its drawbacks you Belgium Phone Number List can wait a long time. For your turn especially if there are many patients. Also the specialist may not accept on this day or be on vacation. Method registration by hotline number Call the hotline number and make an appointment with a support service employee. The disadvantage of this method is that you nee to know the Turkish language to communicate with the employee.

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