Before becoming a buyer, a website visitor goes through different stages of the sales funnel. One of them is lead generation, which helps to catch a person’s attention and get their contact information.
In this article, we will tell you how lead generation
works, why it is needed, and how companies use it.
What is lead generation
Lead generation is a stage of working with an audience, when companies collect a database of potential clients, i.e. leads. The database may include only the user’s email or name, or it may include a phone number, interests, age, gender. Then marketers jamaica phone resource and sales managers work with this data to bring a person to a purchase.
Lead generation allows you to build communication with users based on their socio-demographic characteristics, income level, and interests.
For example, a person goes to a bookstore website lead generation in marketing: how to attract and retain customers where they are asked to fill out a form and subscribe to a mailing list to receive useful information and news.
The user leaves their email, phone number, name, and selects the genres they like. Thanks to this, email marketers create selections of books of exactly those genres that interest this person.
Here are the tasks that marketers set for lead generation:
Identify a target, promising audience that you italy numbers can work with. Not all website visitors are ready to continue interacting with the company. With the help of lead generation, you can retain those who are interested in the brand’s product and filter out those who do not need it.
Collect a client base. Until website visitors leave any information about themselves, they are depersonalized, and it is difficult to work with them. As soon as a user provides their contacts, they acquire traits – name, age, gender, and the company gets the opportunity to build targeted communication with them.
Control the marketing budget. Website visitors often come from paid traffic sources – contextual and targeted advertising, advertising posts on social networks. If you do not hook people, they may leave and never come back, which means the money will be wasted. Lead generation allows you to interest users and involve them in the sales funnel.
Lead generation is a hook that companies use
to catch website visitors. It is one of the upper stages of the sales funnel, during which regular users become leads. We have covered in detail who leads are in another article .
Traffic sources for lead generation
Since website visitors cannot appear out of nowhere, there must be external traffic sources for lead generation. They can be divided into online, that is, searching for clients on the Internet, and offline.
Online sources are easier to work with: it is easier for marketers to control their effectiveness and cost. Online traffic sources include: