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The Happy Company


One of the aspects that most influences the good functioning of a company is the way in which its teams are managed. And what is a company if not a human team? Until now, companies revolved only around the achievement of objectives, but in recent years!The Happy Company companies have become aware that behind each employee there is a person with particular and professional needs. If the team is motivated and each one is made to understand that they are ! an important value within the functioning of the organization! their self-esteem and happiness will increase and they will really work with more enthusiasm and performance. Based on this!I want to talk to you about how the companies of the future work .


1# The principle of horizontal hierarchy
The horizontal hierarchy tells us that the best way to make a group work well is to stop thinking list of vatican city consumer email about ‘leading’ ! start managing teams where there is no superior, nor does the classic vertical hierarchy of superiors and employees predominate! but where everyone has the same authority even if there is one person in charge of organizational and management issues.

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2# There are no schedules

There are no set schedules and people are free to work from home or go to the office for marketing strategies for hybrid and virtual b2b events the hours they consider useful and necessary . This principle is governed by trust and the level of responsibility of each person. It is about benefiting from this system to be able to reconcile personal and professional life. In this way, the team is more motivated and involved in the work. The classic question is usually: is there not someone who takes advantage of this factor?

3# Confidence

Trust is one of the keys to how the most innovative companies of the future work agent email list  it invites us to invest ! The autonomy of each employee and their ability to do their job well. Giving trust means receiving trus! So it is not necessary to control the performance of each person in a rigid and authoritarian way. If what we want is a team that works fluidly and giving its best.


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