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The best free certifications to boost your CV

It is no secret that the job market is highly competitive today. People are increasingly acquiring more knowledge, so specializing can be one of the keys to standing out from the crowd.

Courses and certifications on your CV are an excellent way to give your professional career a new lease of life and boost your profile compared to other candidates.

The good news is that more and more free online certifications are being offered , inc free certifications luding from tech giants such as Google, Cisco and Microsoft, which are investing in training to attract talent in the near future.

Do you want to know which are some of the best free certifications for your CV that you can find on the market? Keep reading, OnlineCV will tell you all about it.

Google Machine Learning Crash Course

Very fashionable today due to the boom in Artificial Intelligence (AI), it is one list of luxembourg consumer mobile number list of the free certifications for your developer CV , which the giant Google offers on its Google Actívate platform.

It is the perfect training to start familiarizing yourself with the world of Artificial Intelligence.

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As described on the Google Actívate website , with this course you will acquire the basic concepts of machine learning with a series of professional resources.

Additionally, you will not only learn new concepts, but you will be able to put 5 aspects of lead generation that we should take into account them into practice with guided programming exercises for implementing models in TensorFlow , an open source artificial intelligence library.

Upon completion of the training, you will receive a significant certification bw lists endorsed by the Interactive Advertising Bureau (IAB) of Spain, and we remind you that it is free.

Please note: Google Actívate’s platform offers hundreds of free courses and certifications for your resume in various areas, not limited to training in artificial intelligence. It’s amazing.
Python Certification with Data Flair
The online course platform Data Flair offers a free certification for your resume in one of the most widely used high-level programming languages ​​today: Python.

It is the ideal certification to begin mastering this popular language.

It has more than 120 hours of study content , including video, practices, questionnaires, interview guides, real-time cases.

Upon completion, you will have lifetime access to an industry-recognized certificate , as Data Flair has students at companies such as Google, Microsoft, Netflix, Amazon, among many others.

Python Programming Fundamentals with Cisco

The well-known American technology company Cisco Systems has its own platform for courses and certifications called Cisco Network Academy.

In this case, we are talking about their Python programming fundamentals course . This is an alternative for beginners in this area. It is difficult to imagine a better starting point, especially since it is free !

Programming skills open doors in almost any industry and are necessary for more advanced and higher-paying software development and engineering roles.

With this in mind, Cisco has prepared this free certification for your CV , divided into two parts of almost 80 teaching hours between them.

It is ideal for starting to learn Python. It does not require prior programming knowledge and upon completing the course you will have a “statement of achievements” with 2 certifications issued by the academy.

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