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Online Advertising & Digital Advertising Online Sales How to create a lead nurturing campaign

want to talk to you about how to Online Advertising create a lead tracking campaign in the article that concerns us here. On other occasions I have already discussed with you other interesting topics, such as:

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How to create a lead tracking campaign

The way businesses reach their customers has changed completely, both organically and with online advertising . Content has become the best ally to get your customers to come to you.

But once they reach out, do you know what to do next? Are you following up with them appropriately?

Just like when a lover decides to win over that person, he must know the status of the relationship in order to take the next steps. But if he doesn’t keep adding details to the relationship, knowing what the appropriate gestures would be depending on the phase they are in, he could lose the conquest. The same thing

happens in the world of digital advertising

Keeping track of leads is extremely important if you want to close a sale, as this follow-up campaign should occur once the lead leaves you their data and becomes a prospect.

To convert your customer, you must albania phone number list know what stage of the purchasing process they are in and keep them interested until they make a decision and, within a reasonable time, become a promoter of your brand.

Here we want to show you the best way to create this type of campaign .

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Stages of consumer decision making

The first step is to understand the decision-making stages your client may be in, in order to apply the ideal how to use sms in marketing and advertising technique. There are 3 fundamental phases that you should study:

Exploration . Your leads are starting to learn about your brand and its benefits. At this stage, it is important to rely on a good Content Marketing strategy .
Awareness . Once they know about your product or service, you need to convince your potential customers why cmo email list your brand is the best out there.
Purchase . Your leads become your current customers.
Pro tip : Find out which pages your leads are most interested in and send them hints through emails or personal messages, or promote that section of your website more.

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