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How to Break the Performance Marketing Growth Ceiling

How to Break the Performance Marketing Growth Ceiling
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How to balance direct sales and building a strong brand? Performance marketing (PM) usually has a direct impact on sales figures. This works like an endorphin boost for marketers. The numbers prove it, right? It is therefore tempting and understandable to focus entirely on performance marketing, while ignoring building a strong brand (branding) and other marketing activities. However, you will discover that the numbers mean little. Your brand will be suppressed under a well-established performance marketing growth ceiling. In this article, I will make this ceiling visible, so that you can demolish it.

Have you ever seen a large successful brand that only does performance marketing?


All big, successful brands understand the game and invest in branding in addition to PM. That is why they have become big, of course. Is branding only important for the biggest brands? Certainly not, the dynamics are almost always the same. Big brands did not start in a majestic office either. Small companies that we can not yet call big brands can easily spend less on branding. It is all about the ratio:

60% branding
40% performance marketing
(Figures based on research by Les Binet and Peter Field )

Of course, these are never absolute percentages, but if your ratio has gone too far to almost 100% PM, you know for sure that you have tunnel vision and the ceiling is slowing down brand growth.

Get rid of performance marketing tunnel vision 10 times:
1. Performance marketing is not a complete marketing package
PM is – although almost always important – a small part of paraguay email list 230751 contact leads marketing. Therefore, focus on the entire marketing pie. You will only really lick your fingers with a pie with a holistic approach that embraces the entire customer journey . In other words: with PM alone you will not succeed in entering the room, but you will spend your money on arguing as if you are already there.

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You can’t measure everything

A final click comes from experiences and thoughts about the brand, or even competing brands. This includes not only difficult to measure, mass media super bowl campaigns, but also small things that are impossible to measure the design elephant in the accurately. For example, a nice word that you once said in a customer conversation. And that went down well. And was then picked up.

These are all marketing activities without a hard, measurable blow to the virtual order button. That only comes at the end of the customer journey, which has been walked through a spider’s web of good and bad turns. To understand alb directory the connection between all these activities, it is important to understand and apply marketing attribution . Something that is often overlooked within PM.

3. Improving something that is bad does not make it right
You can make everything better, even something that is extremely bad. ‘200% extra sales’ sounds like a nice slogan, but it says nothing. Suppose you have a shoddy, old-fashioned web 1.0 website and you start with PM, then you can be very happy with improvement. But that 200% could have been 2000%, if your starting point had been better. Think strategically right away.

4. Thinking strategically too late in the process
Strategic thinking is always done within PM. What process does the customer go through and how do you ensure that they convert? You drop targeted keywords in Google, you let the algorithm do its work. Only do this after the all-encompassing strategy for your company is as solid as a house.

“You have to be very careful if you don’t know where you’re going.

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