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Micro, Small and Medium Enterprises Day

Did you know that SMEs represent 90% of companies, between 60% and 70% of employment and 50% of GDP worldwide? These figures demonstrate the importance of micro, small and medium-sized enterprises for the economic growth of many countries. They are so important in today’s world that they have their own world day on the calendar that recognises them.

But how much do you know about micro, small and medium-sized enterprises? Why is there a world day for them? If you have questions or want to know more, keep reading this blog to find out all the answers.

What are SMEs?

Micro, small and medium-sized enterprises, also known as MSMEs, are units that generally have fewer than 250 employees. In many countries, more than 90% of all companies are considered MSMEs, and a large part list of iceland consumer email of these are in the microenterprise category, that is, those that operate with fewer than ten employees.

SMEs are classified according to the number of employees and the value of their assets. This division allows companies to be categorized and, in turn, grants them recognition as an SME.

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These categories are:


Microenterprise: These are companies with a work team Micro Small  of no more than 10 people and total assets of less than 501 what is the fastest hosting provider of 2024? urrent legal monthly minimum wages.
Small Business : companies with teams of between 11 and 50 workers. Their total assets are greater than 501 and less than 5,001 times the current legal monthly minimum wage.
Medium: companies with between 51 and 200 employees. Total assets between 5,001 and 15,000 times the current legal monthly china lists minimum wage.
The activity of SMEs, combined with that of self-employed workers, represents 70% of global employment. Furthermore, companies with fewer than 100 employees generate more than 50% of new jobs worldwide.

Now we know a few things to help us understand why SMEs are so important around the world, so much so that they have a day for themselves. Why? We will see below.

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