Home » Article » McDonald’s Spain App vs. Burger King Spain App – Which marketing strategy makes the most of mobile?

McDonald’s Spain App vs. Burger King Spain App – Which marketing strategy makes the most of mobile?


Fast food chains are part of our daily lives, just like our mobile phones. McDonald’s Spain  You probably eat a burger with fries and a drink from time to time during your break at work, with your family or when you’re out with friends. For this reason, we’re going to analyze the McDonald’s and Burger King apps to see what marketing actions they’re using to attract and retain their customers .

Burger King vs McDonalds


These two leading brands in fast food have been using their apps for the Spanish market for a few years now. These companies are looking to get closer to the well-known millennial generation so that they are more connected to their products. With this system, restaurant chains can list of yemen consumer email reinforce customer loyalty and encourage consumption.


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# 1. Platforms on which APPs are available
Both the Burger King Spain and McDonald’s Spain apps can be downloaded from the iOS and Android markets . There is no official option for downloading them on other systems such as Microsoft. Why? The answer can be found in a recent study, presented during the last Mobile 5 lead generation trends you should master in 2022 World Congress, entitled Mobile Overview Report , which highlights that in Spain today 82% of devices sold on the market are Android and 12% are Apple. Since these are the most popular, it is understandable why the Spanish marketing departments of these two companies have decided to ignore the rest of the agent email list operating systems (since their presence is almost irrelevant).


# 2. User rating


If you visit the Apple market store you will find this data for the two applications:

Burger King App : Its ranking is based on 200 ratings and has an average of two and a half stars (out of 5). 48 users have given it the highest score (5) and 88 the lowest (1). Personal opinions highlight that what they like most about the application are the discount coupons that the brand offers to be able to consume the products.



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