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Marketing Stack: Discover what a Marketing Stack is and how to organize yours

The Marketing Technology Stack is the integrat view of the tools an organization uses in its marketing operations. MarTechs —marketing technologies— focus on content management, process automation, and strategic planning for campaigns and businesses.

Camila Casarotto

Sep 14, 20 | 14 min read
marketing stack technology
Reading time: 12 minutes
Marketing is, without a doubt, one of the areas in which the impacts of digital transformation are most easily felt.

With the popularization of the Internet and the enormous possibilities of this new consumer environment, technology has become a determining factor for the success of companies.

In just over a decade, the market has been invad by

literally thousands of research, monitoring, analysis and campaign development tools .

There are several software and services call MarTechs, a territory that also includes AdTechs, solutions focus on advertising .

In the extremely competitive landscape niger email list 150000 contact leads that companies find themselves in today, any organization that seeks to stand out in the market nes a good Marketing Technology Stack .

That is why in this article we will talk about every detail of this topic so that you can understand it thoroughly.

Keep reading!

What is a Marketing Technology Stack?
It is a set of technological tools and services that a company uses to carry out its marketing activities .

These resources, however, are not limit to research, promotion and customer relations actions , but are also necessary to optimize the organization’s internal collaboration.

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In Digital Marketing , whose very nature

dictates the use of such instruments, CMS , CRM and advertising services such as Google Ads and Facebook Ads are very common, which are probably in-person events in the post-covid-19 era the main examples of MarTech and Adtechs today.

However, this is just a small part of a huge universe of tools .

The number of MarTech vendors has grown from 150 in 2011 to more than 8,000 in 2020, a growth track year-over-year by Scott Brinker, co-founder of Ion Interactive and itor of the Chief Marketing Technologist blog .

Although many tools were not continu betting email list in 2019, the creation – or discovery – of MarTechs carri out by him and his team exce the lost numbers.


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