Home » Article » Social Networks & Social Ads Pharmaceutical Marketing How to break through the digital barriers of the healthcare industry

Social Networks & Social Ads Pharmaceutical Marketing How to break through the digital barriers of the healthcare industry

The digitalisation of the healthcare Social Networks industry is a reality that is becoming more present every day. But traditionally this has been one of the sectors with the greatest “fear” of social networks. The reason is that, due to their special importance for health, drug advertising is heavily regulat.

However, the ne to comply with regulations and contribute positively to people’s health is not at odds with taking advantage of all the benefits and facilities that digital marketing offers us.

Therefore, in this article I would like to reflect on how to overcome the digital barriers of the healthcare industry.

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How to overcome the digital barriers of the healthcare industry

Digital barriers in the healthcare industry: what can’t we do?
There are several laws that regulate healthcare and drug advertising, both at European and national level.

Of particular relevance are Royal Decree 1907/1996 of 2 August on advertising and commercial promotion azerbaijan consumer mobile number list of products, activities or services with purport health purposes and Royal Decree 1277/2003 of 10 October, which establishes the general bases for the authorisation of health centres, services and establishments.

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In addition, each autonomous community

has special regulations that govern specific aspects of this matter.

Within this complicat legislation, we all have in mind some basic things that are not allow, such as the direct promotion to the public of prescription drugs and infant formulas for children under six months, or the creation of advertising aim exclusively or mainly at children.

Other restrictions include regulating strategies to increase your sales with b2chat the presence of testimonials, the use of sales pitches such as “natural,” the representation of a drug’s effects on the human body, expert recommendations, and other issues.

Given that it is necessary to perfectly manage the intersection between the different product lines and pathologies and the applicable legal regulations, both European and state and regional, the cmo email list role of the compliance department of laboratories is essential.

Therefore, it is essential to collaborate with them when developing marketing proposals for the health sector.