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Mango App vs. Zara App: Which mobile marketing strategy generates more engagement?


Given the great interest generated by the previous mobile app comparison – Mango App vs. Zara . today I am back with a new article in the same style, but switching to the fashion sector: Mango App vs.

Zara App


Which mobile marketing strategy generates more engagement? Right now we are at the beginning of the sales and sales will increase exponentially, both online and in stores. Mango and Zara are two of the most powerful Spanish brands in the textile sector and with a great international projection. I am sure that more than one consumer is currently using the app of their favorite brand to check prices or make purchases. Let’s start list of venezuela consumer email with the installation of the applications on the mobile!

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# 1. Platforms on which APPs are available


The Zara app is available on a wide variety of official markets, and you can install it on iOS, Android, Windows Phone and BlackBerry. It’s actually a good strategy, since although 94% of mobile devices currently sold in Spain come with iOS or Android, it’s important to take 5 aspects of lead generation that we should take into account into account the small niches in the market to reach potential customers that other competitors do not.

Mango, on the other hand, is focusing its energies on Android and iOS. In fact, its most interesting agent email list strategy is that it has decided to create two applications: one called Mango and the other called Mango Man, just for men. This fashion house has also innovated, individualising engagement through mobile devices depending on whether the target audience is male or female.

I would like to point out that both brands have opted to centralise their mobile marketing strategy in a single application. This is international and unique . There is no local app for each country where they have physical stores, but from the same platform you can choose your country and language from the start and the offers and services that correspond to your region are automatically shown to you.

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