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Learn 5 types of B2B marketing to boost your business


Business to Business (B2B) marketing refers to companies that have other companies as clients and not traditional consumers! as is the case with Business to Consumer (B2C) companies. B2B! then! involves a more complex sale than B2C sales! since the buyer’s needs are more specific and are aimed at improving processes and intervening in needs that may be financial! administrative! marketing! operational! among others.

Is your SME focused on selling products and offering services to other companies? Learn 5 types  you’ve come to vanuatu email list 10097 contact leads the right place. Below we’ll tell you about some types of B2B marketing that you can take advantage of to strengthen your business’s image! increase the reach of your brand’s message! and boost sales. Take note!

Types of B2B marketing

Selling is an art! and to do it making the most of your resources! it is important to be aware of the latest marketing trends.

The types of marketing that you will see below are not mutually exclusive; in fact! in practice! it is common to combine them in different proportions! depending on the objectives and capabilities of each company.

1. Content marketing

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Have you ever come across a marketing professional or agency on social media telling you how to create a the future of sms and its relationship with messaging apps digital marketing strategy? That’s an example of B2B content marketing ! It’s not annoying like traditional ads that pop up in the middle of a YouTube video! and if you do it right! your audience will remember you and come back for more.

The idea is to create quality content that your customers find useful and interesting for managing their businesses. This way:

You demonstrate your expertise in your industry and build trust

People and the algorithm share your content! attracting new customers.
You earn the loyalty of your current customers by delivering value to them aleart news in a continuous and timely manner.
In order for the content you create to be attractive to other companies and businesses! remember that it must be directed at an audience that is responsible for making decisions within companies. To do this! you must know where to find them! understand their pain points! and speak a common language.

2. Inbound marketing
Inbound marketing is a methodology that focuses on creating long-lasting relationships and! unlike traditional marketing! seeks to attract rather than interrupt! such as appearing on Google through content marketing and SEO when a potential customer searches for a product related to your industry.

To create content that allows you to connect with potential customers! it is necessary to carry out a prior analysis to determine the needs and interests of your ideal client! defining a buyer persona and understanding how they make purchases (customer journey)! so that once you have captured their attention! you can also delight them and turn them into a promoter of your brand.

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