If you have an online store, you will always be looking for new customers. So, you need to know the best lead generation strategies to expand your customer base.
This blog will cover the top seven lead generation
strategies and how to implement them into your business. The idea is to add value to your customers’ lives through a blog post, video, or podcast. In return, the prospect gives you their email address, turning them into a lead. You can then use their email address italy phone resource to make direct sales or send marketing content.
1. Study the behavior of online customers.
If you know how customers use the Internet, you can how to get more leads with a contact form search for potential customers in the right places.According to Kiygo89% of consumers use search engines to research products. Therefore, your online store should optimize its SEO strategy to increase leads through product reviews and product pages.
Another statistic worth noting is that 72% of
customers trust online reviews and personal recommendations equally. So including reviews on your product pages is a great way to attract potential customers.
Qiigo also found that 78% of consumer purchasing italy numbers decisions are based on companies’ social media posts. Having a robust social media presence and equipping it with tools to collect contact information to generate leads is a must for your business.
Another must is a good online experience, which is important to 91% of customers. So make sure your online store provides value to the customer.
But how exactly do you study your customers’ online behavior? You can useheat map toolsto see which parts of your online store customers visit most often, where they drop off, and where they take action.
Heat maps are a great way to get a visual representation of where your best potential customers are located within your online store, so be sure to use them in your lead generation strategy.
Farnam Eliasof, Founder Flexible suits
This screenshot shows a click-through rate heat map; the blue area means that this part of the website is not ideal for generating leads.
Other valuable tools for studying online behavior includeA/B testing toolsand customer session replay tools. A/B testing tools allow you to test changes to your site, giving the test subject a choice between two lead generation strategies. Customer session replay allows you to see exactly how customers use your online store, giving you valuable insights for lead generation.