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Google Ranking Factors for Your SEO in 2022


Search engine optimization ( SEO ) is a topic that is always evolving. Google, for example, periodically adjusts its algorithm to decide where and how to display a specific link, so that it is always the most relevant and trustworthy .

8 Most Important Ranking Factors Considered by Google’s Search Algorithm

Take note of the main factors that Google uses to rank search results and that you should take into account if you want to appear among the first:


Content that ranks best is content that goes in-depth and covers a broad spectrum of a topic. Content should provide real value to the user and should always incorporate engaging visual content to complement the written text. Remember that quality is always more important than quantity here.

Focus on the value of what you write, not the number of words.

2. Content extension


There is no clear rule on the optimal length or number of words an article should have, as it varies depending on the topic. In any case, we can say that, in terms of comprehension, the longer the article, the better it will rank.

3. Accurate information: Experience, authority and trust of the source

Although not a direct ranking factor, source expertise, authority, and trustworthiness are very important for for-profit websites Google Ranking especially those that can influence people’s well-being, such as health or finance websites.

Make sure your content contains factually accurate information or is aligned with scientific consensus and cites other reliable sources. The reader should be able to easily identify who the author is.

Google’s algorithm gives preference to content written by subject matter experts, who offer training on the topic and whose reputation is recognized by others.

 4. The RankBrain

Another important factor is Google’s RankBrain , an algorithm that aims to provide the most relevant and useful results by trying to better understand belgium whatsapp number data the intent behind a user’s search. RankBrain uses artificial intelligence to understand complex searches and their relationship to particular topics, taking into account the user’s behavior with the exact set of search results.


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Thus, Google ranks those search results that are most popular among users higher.

5. Freshness

Google search rewards newer content. Prioritise the most recent content and make sure it is up to date. Websites with very old content should start updating. In addition, we have observed that the update algorithm seems to act much faster than other algorithms, as within a few days after an update we can already see an improvement in search results.

 6. Backlinks

Backlinks are still one of the best strategies australian businesses directory rank well on Google. The more links your page has on important domains, the better your keywords will rank.

Be careful, however, with links between e-commerce pages: it is very important to indicate this according to Google’s specifications, to prevent external links from pages labeled as spam from negatively impacting yours.

7. The power of branding and domain

The more traffic you get from brand searches, the more Google will recognize your page. Plus, we know that social media presence also correlates ej leads returned results. This isn’t to say that a strong online social presence alone can generate organic traffic, but websites that combine brand awareness and social posting achieve greater visibility.

In the past, exact match domains were a surefire way to increase organic search visibility. While not as foolproof as they once were, domains still have some influence. Give it a try, search for “cars” – you would typically get back well-known car brands (Seat, Volkswagen, Audi, BMW, etc.), but the first result is an exact domain match (cars.com). Domain age also plays a role – new domains have a harder time ranking well, while domains with a long history seem to hold the top positions for longer.

 8. Local SEO and local search results

In November 2021, Google updated the way it displays local results. Results are displayed ranked by relevance, prominence, and distance, although Google has not provided any details on the importance of each of these after this new update.

In any case, the best thing for local SEO in e-commerce is to make sure you have high-quality reviews. Over the past year, they have published a series of recommendations for this type of pages, such as: giving the option to buy from different sellers

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