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Global Branding: What is it and how to achieve global brand management with excellence?

Global branding is a brand building strategy to conquer the market in different countries. How can you position your brand globally? How can you adapt to local realities? Is it possible to draw up the same strategy for all regions? Let’s now better understand what global branding is and how it works.

Camila Casarotto

Dec 9, 20 | 17 min read
global branding strategy
Reading time: 14 minutes
What if you suddenly started to see the whole world in the same way as you see your market? Without borders for branding , your brand could be known by people from several different countries and cultures. Do you like the idea? Then you should learn about global branding.

Don’t think that it’s just a matter of arriving

in a new country and planting your brand’s flag. It’s like the cowboy stranger in the western movies: you attract the attention of the locals, but they all look at you suspiciously. So, you have to prove yourself to be welcome.

In the case of global companies , they must show their value and adapt to each region in which they want to operate, without losing their identity macedonia email list 150000 contact leads or their values. It seems complicated, right? But there is nothing that good international branding management cannot solve.

In this article, you will learn all the secrets about this fascinating topic. Keep reading!

What is global branding?
Global branding is the management of a brand in different regions of the world , with the aim of increasing its strength and recognition in the markets in which it operates. This strategy can also be called global branding or international branding.

Global branding involves planning how the brand wants to be seen around the world and how it will position itself in each market to generate this perception at the points of contact with the consumer ( price, product, place and promotion ).

Local branding is already a challenge. It is difficult for our brand to be remembered and recognized by consumers in our own city or country. Imagine doing this in several different places, each with its own culture , demands, rules and organizational logic.

It was globalisation, starting in the 1980s, that allowed brands to cross borders. Until then, only giants could do that.

But reduced transport costs and new means of communication (did someone say Internet?) have accentuated integration between countries and facilitated the expansion of brands of all sizes.

Despite having affected local cultures, globalization has not been able to standardize customs, cultures and rules.

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Therefore, brands faced the challenge of conquering

markets in different regions without giving up their particularities, since the opposite would be a path to failure.

It is not enough to push our products in another country , it is also necessary to build brand perception and present our value proposition to our new consumers .

That is where the importance of a global 5 aspects of lead generation that we should take into account strategy lies. Rather than creating a website or making deliveries in several countries, global branding consists of guiding which elements of the brand should be preserved globally and which should be adapted to each region.

What are the advantages of global branding?
For brands that have already conquered their regional market and want to grow and expand to other countries, this may be the natural path. This decision can bring them a series of benefits, as we will see below.

Increase brand reach
The most obvious advantage for brands that go global is that they reach more people in new markets. The brand becomes known around the world, wins over more customers and fans, and gains more sales traction .

Increase brand value
Globally recognized brands gain market bgb directory value. Just look at the list of the most valuable brands in the world according to Brand Finance

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