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Generating Leads on LinkedIn? Use the Opinion Poll

Generating Leads on LinkedIn? Use the Opinion Poll
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To get on the radar of new customers, I like to use the opinion poll as a lead generator on LinkedIn. This option is available for free and premium accounts. The opinion poll provides me with new leads every month, without the customer feeling like I am selling. In this article I will explain more about this.

Without customers, there is no business. To attract new customers, you need leads. There are different ways to collect leads. Cold calling and sending emails is a way to collect leads. But this way of collecting leads is not my preference. It takes a lot of time, consumes energy and the chance that someone is directly interested in your service or product is small. I therefore prefer other methods.

The importance of a relevant network on LinkedIn

Before you can start using the poll as a lead generator, you will first need to build a relevant network on LinkedIn. Of course, it is nice when family, friends, colleagues and others take the time to vote. But these are often not the people you want to do business with.

When applying social selling , always start by building a relevant network. This starts with inviting existing customers and leads. They already know you, which increases the chance of making a connection. list of russian consumer email Do they respond to your content in the form of likes, shares, reposts or a reaction? Then there is a good chance that you will also reach relevant people outside your own network. If the content of your content is good, they will respond on their own. Then look at the reactions to your content.

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Number of votes in the poll

Screenshot LinkedIn

Are there people among them that you don’t have a connection with yet? fundamentals of b2b segmentation [5 steps] Invite them to connect and refer to the post they commented on. This increases the chance of acceptance, than just sending an invitation to connect.

To consistently grow your network of people on LinkedIn, make a shortlist of 10 to 15 companies every week, including the right contacts (influencers/decision makers) with whom you want to do aleart news business. Do you have a relevant network after a while? Then you can start using the opinion poll as a lead generator on LinkedIn. Thinking of a topic is the first step.

LinkedIn Poll Topic
Before you start using the opinion poll as a lead generator on LinkedIn, you will first have to think about a topic. Of course, you can choose a topic yourself. But then you run the risk that it is not inviting enough to vote on. For maximum reach , you should tailor the topic to the information needs of the target group or a part thereof.

To come up with a relevant topic, I always consult my colleagues and a few people from my LinkedIn network. As a first step, I come up with 3 to 5 questions with which I want to test the level of knowledge of my target group. Then I ask 5 to 10 customers about their preference. From my own experience, I know that this is a good way to come up with a relevant topic. Is the topic clear? Then it is time to think about the moment at which you want to post.

Best time to post
The time to post your poll on LinkedIn is almost here. But first, it’s important to think about the best time to post on LinkedIn for maximum reach.

It is obvious to post on Tuesdays and Wednesdays between 10:00 and 12:00. The most interaction takes place on these days and times. But do you also reach your target group? At these times you have a lot of competition from others. Do you compete with the competitor and (virtually) fight for a spot on the timeline of the people in your network? Or do you choose, like me, to post at a different time?

The latter is my preference. Don’t forget to think about the holiday periods in the future. It has happened to me that I had not thought about the autumn holiday, which would take place a week later. Why should you think about that too.

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