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Earned Media Guide: Best Practices to Boost Your Brand’s Visibility on New Channels

Gaining visibility in the digital spectrum is the ultimate goal of Digital Marketing, and this involves relying on various tools, strategies and methodologies capable of causing more and more users to interact with a specific brand. One of these strategies is Earn Mia, and in this post we will explain this topic from A to Z.

Jesus Cardenas

Sep 9, 20 | 10 min read
earn mia concept
Reading time: 9 minutes
We can say, with complete certainty, that Earn Mia is one of those fundamental concepts that any Digital Marketing plan must consider , with the aim of generating sufficient Brand Awareness in the audience and, consequently, gaining ground in the markets.

To introduce you a little to this topic, you can remember those times when to find out about events, trends, new products or promotions you had to resort to magazines, television programs and newspapers.

And all this advertising was Earn Mia for those companies.

Here we explain the possibilities of this strategy today. Join us!

What is Earn Mia?
In short, Earn Mia are those mauritius email list 150000 contact leads channels, mia or platforms that are not part of your business or company , but that, with good practices, you manage to influence them so much that you become part of them.

In other words, it is all the organic exposure of your brand , whether through a viral event or through the satisfaction and recommendation of your customers.

Thus, a channel independent of you serves as a “free” means of promotion.

In itself, earn means “earn”, that is, what this concept refers to is those mia that you “earn” by relying, of course, on Own Mia and Paid Mia.

If you don’t know what we’re talking about, don’t worry, you’ll find out later.

Two simple examples to visualize it
Let’s say that, after a well-plann Content Marketing strategy , you start creating very interesting materials about sustainability.

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In this case, perhaps a news outlet will never

notice you, but mia outlets focus on renewable energy, recycling, among others, will , which will cause them to write about those methods and you will get Earn Mia.

It is also a very effective way to do what is known as link baiting . That is, you start generating complete content with enough attraction so that other mia outlets notice it, talk about you or direct traffic to your site .

The other example could be the case that one of your products manages to achieve such a level of satisfaction due to its quality, price and/or efficiency that people outside your company start reviewing it on their channels .

Now, we show you what each one is, how the importance of virtual events in b2b they are relat and how they differ.

Own Mia
Basically, they are the channels that are own by your brand . For example, your blog , website , landing pages , among others.

In short, all those spaces that you use to guide your client through the Customer Journey and that are your property, forming part of your permanent digital presence .

That said, they are the digital places that host the materials made by your company and that allow you, among many things, to apply optimizations to betting email list attract more users and retain them to convert them into prospects .


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