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Discovering hidden knowledge

we will make decisions about the modeling technique seeking to make its behavior more efficient.

To do this, we will define the appropriate metrics that allow us to compare the quality between the different algorithms, usually the success rate, error rate or confusion matrices.

Each model allows you to adjust a set

of parameters to modulate its behavior.

Repeated evaluation of the results will allow defining the value of these parameters to find the optimal behavior.

It may be necessary to return to the understanding the business previous phase to make additional transformations in the preparation phase.

after modelling, we will carry out an evaluation of the business objectives, preferably in a quantified manner, comparing the different options.

introducing changes in the related phases

documenting the conclusions and results obtained.

at this point, the organization has the spam data model suitable for its exploitation and will proceed to deploy the solution.


for modeling it is necessary to combine different techniques and technologies.

The choice of a particular venezuela phone number list programming

Language, a particular algorithm. Or fonts will determine the final result.

The knowledge acquisition process. Is based on choosing a categorical or numerical variable. From our data set as the target variable.

The rest will be our input variables

and from which we will try to determine the value of our target variable for future records of our sources.

Next, we will classify the algorithms and show some functionalities.