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Discover what organic traffic is and why it is essential for your online strategy

Organic traffic is the amount of visits to your website that you get spontaneously, without using ads. Generally, this type of traffic comes from search engines like Google and Bing.

Valentina Giraldo

Nov 13, 20 | 7 min read
What is organic traffic and how to get it for your website
Reading time: 6 minutes
Digital marketing starts with attracting people. If you can’t attract the right audience to your digital channels, you won’t get results.

For a long time, the main ways to attract the attention of potential customers were paid. But with the advancement of the Internet, that scenario has changed for the better.

These days, it’s possible to generate traffic to your website without spending money on ads or buying email lists — that’s what we call organic traffic.

Organic traffic is rightly the primary goal of man

companies that invest in creating a digital customer acquisition strategy.

Want to know why so many people care about this and how your business can benefit from organic traffic too? Keep reading!

What is organic traffic?
All visits that a digital channel — such as a company’s website or blog — receives are called traffic .

Organic traffic is simply visits obtained montserrat email list 150000 contact leads spontaneously, without using ads. Typically, this type of traffic comes from search engines like Google and Bing .

It is not possible to say, with certainty, that organic traffic is free of charge, because strategies to attract visitors cost money and take time.

But the main difference between organic traffic and paid traffic is that you spend money once to get results for a long time .

A blog post you produce will take time and cost money, but it could generate results today and a year from now. So an ad only lasts as long as you pay for it.

What are the other 4 types of traffic?
If you’ve ever accessed your Google Analytics dashboard , you may have seen several different traffic names. What do they mean?

Basically, traffic is split between paid and organic as explained above. But the terms used help to understand more specifically how a specific visitor reached each page .

In addition to organic traffic, see what each of the other names mean:

Paid: Attract visitors by placing ads on Google or sites your audience frequently accesses.
Direct: This is when a user comes to your site directly, without coming from another site. It is still a form of organic traffic, as it does not come from paid sources.
Social: These are accesses through social networks , something common in the case of links shared on these channels, which direct traffic to a website.
Referral: When someone visits a page on any website other than a search engine. That’s what happens with backlinks for an article on your blog, for example.

Why invest in organic traffic? Top 5 benefits
At the beginning of this article we said that organic traffic has become the main objective of many companies that decide to invest in Digital Marketing .

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Now it’s time for you to understand why

Discover the benefits that this strategy can bring to your business!

1. Cost-benefit
First, organic traffic helps reduce the cost of your marketing strategy compared to using ads.

As a result, the profit margin on sales is what is b2chat for? higher. With that, you can say that the cost-benefit ratio of organic traffic is unbeatable.

2. Scalability
Ads are not scalable. As soon as you stop spending on them, your traffic will decrease.

Furthermore, the cost of attracting a large number of qualified visitors may not be feasible. With organic traffic, the opposite is true: the more visitors, the lower the cost .

3. Relevance
Google shows when a result is a paid advertisement. This way, users already know that the page in question is trying to sell them something, which reduces their trust in the information presented.

The organic result, in turn, is considered aero leads genuine and gains greater credibility from the start.

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