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Discover how to use interactive calculators in your SaaS strategy

An interactive calculator for SaaS can be very useful to differentiate yourself from your competitors in front of your leads, helping them to choose the ways to solve their problem. This is because, among other things, the consumer has access, in one go, to the maximum amount of information they need.

Diego Gomes

Jul 10, 20 | 8 min read
How to use interactive calculator for SaaS
Reading time: 6 minutes
Can interactive experiences help your company improve its results? In recent years, Interactive Marketing has gained ground as a strategy to present information to consumers in the most direct and fun way possible.

Tools like an interactive SaaS calculator can help you attract or interest your customers in a simplified way, presenting the most important aspects of your offer in the blink of an eye.

But is this a solution for your Digital Marketing needs ?

In this article, we will discuss the benefits of interactive calculators and how they can be used by SaaS companies.

Keep reading!

Why Your SaaS Strategy Needs an Interactive Calculator

If you are one of those who is up to date with the news about Digital Marketing, you will surely have already heard about interactive content.

This trend has become especially useful list of portuguese timor consumer email for B2B companies to promote their offerings through personalized data, which influences buyers’ decision-making.

The vast majority of B2B buyers prefer to interact with visual content, rather than text and other static formats, as it generates twice as many conversions .

In SaaS, specifically, interactive content reaches its full potential, becoming the most important part of the business’s sales strategy.

After all, it’s helpful to help your client learn about your software, understand what it can do compared to what the competition offers, and spread the word.

Calculators also offer another benefit: they present the offer price at face value, answering most of the questions a lead might have before contacting your company. This makes the buying journey easier.

How to use interactive calculators in SaaS strategies?
Interactive content can be used in a number of ways in a SaaS strategy . Below, we’ll walk you through the benefits of adopting an interactive SaaS calculator.

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Close more deals through interactive content

An interactive SaaS calculator is essential the power of chatgpt: how it’s revolutionizing the for your company to close more and better deals. With a clear overview of the offer, price and customization possibilities, customers tend to shorten their decision-making process.

After all, all the information they need will be on one page. Plus, calculators can be added anywhere in the sales process , providing the personalized answers consumers are looking for when they visit a website.

Increase engagement with SaaS interactive calculators
When visitors land on your page, do they engage with it or do they quickly return to the search engine page?

With an interactive SaaS calculator, you can increase the amount of time visitors spend browsing your website, thereby ensuring increased opportunities to convert them from leads to customers.

Quality content is content that truly engages consumers, presenting them with a brand they can trust.

So, use this type of material to your bw lists advantage by presenting, bluntly, right on your page, the tools your customer needs to close the transaction.


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