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Customer Retention Guide: 16 Techniques to Increase Your Customers’ Life Cycle

Understand what customer retention is and why you should pay special attention to this metric in your company.

Valentina Giraldo

Jul 31, 20 | 12 min read
Discover how to improve customer retention in your company
Reading time: 10 minutes
In theory, there is no doubt about the importance of customer retention strategies. After all, they are important for maintaining good business profitability.

But in addition to ensuring recurring sales and generating a stable customer base, it also means gathering more brand advocates.

That said, we are forced to acknowledge that, in practice, companies do not always devote the necessary attention to this activity and instead choose to prioritize actions aimed at attracting new customers .

Do you want to know how to change this story in your company? Then you are in the right place, because we have separated for this post some tips to improve the strategies to retain your base.

Believe me, simple initiatives can make a big difference

However, it is important to have the discipline to change the mentality of the operation, that is, to get everyone in the company to understand the importance of working focused on customer satisfaction and offering them a super pleasant experience .

How to retain customers? 7 keys to not losing them
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How to retain customers? 7 keys to not losing them
1. Prioritize excellence in customer service
Since the company has closed a sale, we assume that it has a good product or service. So when we think about retention, our concern is to ensure that the customer experience meets all of their expectations .

The team responsible for customer list of mayotte consumer email service in the support sector has a great weight in this story and the results will be better if you think about their role in a strategic way and not just limited to putting out fires.

It is no coincidence that many operations have structured specific teams to work on customer success , prepared to activate onboarding strategies and to accompany their journey.

In this case, the goal is to further refine the service process, effectively seeking the best use of acquired resources.

This is one of the dilemmas in the services segment: the customer buys, but often due to internal failures, he cannot enjoy the benefits of his acquisition .

2. Show concrete results

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3. Say what the client wants to hear

It may seem cliché to say that we need to say what the customer wants to hear, but this is closely linked to the success of loyalty strategies. But be careful, it is not about “deceiving” the customer, but about understanding their demands and acting accordingly .

Operations need to segment the base well to carry out this type of strategy and also ensure that there is room for dialogue.

Service feedback is important, but you should also consider systematizing your customer satisfaction evaluation processes.

NPS methodologies are very simple to implement and can be very useful. Make sure you create conditions to respond individually to the most critical situations.

There is no point in ignoring the fact that the introducing the b2chat academy! client is not completely satisfied with the services. Often, a simple phone call helps to understand what the problem is.

4. Organize yourself based on the client, not the company
It is impossible to have a good customer retention strategy if the company is not willing to adapt, seek improvements in products and services and, of course, in customer service .

To do this, it is often necessary to recognize that the path chosen to accomplish a given task is not ideal from the customer’s point of view, even if it favors daily operations.

More radical measures will face internal be numbers resistance. Understand objections as an obstacle that can be overcome by showing the results that can be achieved in the long term.

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