Home » Article » Psychological Tricks in Marketing: How Color Use Influences Purchasing Decisions

Psychological Tricks in Marketing: How Color Use Influences Purchasing Decisions

Get ready to Psychological Tricks  discover how marketers hack your brain with colors. Color psychology, the science that focuses on the influence of colors on human behavior and emotions, reveals hidden tricks that marketers use to subconsciously steer you toward desir actions.

These revelations promise not only a behind-the-scenes look at the world of marketing, but also provide insights into how color influences your decisions in ways you never thought possible! Are you ready for the shocking truth behind the colors on your screen?

Different colors in color psychology source: Nadiia Korol / Shutterstock

The layout of your brain
Let’s discuss the involvement of different parts of the brain in decision-making, with a focus on color psychology in marketing:

Reptilian brain (brain stem):

The reptilian brain , which dates back to the oldest evolutionary stages, is us as an invisible shield. R flags are wav, and green signals are given. How? By using colors that directly appeal to your survival instincts and enforce unconscious behavior.

Function : This is the oldest part of the brain and is responsible for basic functions such as survival, breathing, and heartbeat.

Involvement in decision-making : The reptilian brain responds to simple stimuli and instincts, such as danger and food. Colors that play on these, such as r (associat with warning) or green (associat with fresh food), can elicit immiate and instinctive responses.

Limbic system (emotional brain):
Learn the secret code of the limbic system , the emotional center susceptible list of serbia consumer email to color manipulation. Discover how r and yellow act as psychological henchmen to hold your emotions hostage, leaving you with no choice but to succumb to the hidden suction of the product on your screen.

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Function : The limbic system is involv in emotions, motivation and memory


Involvement in decision-making : Colors can evoke emotions that are connect to memories or certain moods. For example, warm colors like orange and yellow can evoke feelings of joy and enthusiasm, while cool colors like blue and green can convey calmness and confidence.

Neocortex (rational brain)
Discover the treacherous role of the neocortex , the rational brain, in the color conspiracy theory. why you can really make an impact with purpose-driven marketing How blue and white make your mind believe you are making autonomous decisions, while you are unknowingly l into the hands of the marketer.

Function : This is the most recently develop part of the brain and it is involv in cognitive functions such as reasoning, language, and problem solving.

Involvement in decision-making : Colors can also influence the neocortex through associations and meanings. For example, a brand that wants to demonstrate that it is innovative might choose colors such as blue and white, which are often associat with reliability alb directory and modernity.


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