Today, there are organizations that do not address them and lack the ability to analyze what is happening in their organization and, therefore, what measures to implement.
in this case, we can understand business analysis as the methodology, technique or systems that, based on the past, allow us to predict future behaviors or events by discovering patterns.
The data used may be structured
or semi-structured with greater complexity and the treatment prior to its exploitation will require greater attention.
Big data
finally, big data provides an canada phone number list environment adapted to deal with the 3 “vs”:
We see each one of them.
1.- volume
we find storage technologies with sharding capacity or distributed storage management to accommodate a large data warehouse volume, or file systems such as hdfs ( hadoop distributed file system ) for clustering and application of the mapreduce method.
as we have previously
mentioned, data generation rates are increasingly high and, therefore, we must have an environment with high loading and processing speed.
3.- variety
finally, our “protagonists” can be presented in a structured way, where they show elementary atomic forms; unstructured, such as text, images, audios or videos; or finally, they can be found halfway by presenting spam data semi-structured forms.
There is a certain consensus about the existence of a fourth v, veracity , which would consist of checking and ensuring the truth and trustworthiness of the data we are consuming and which is considered a requirement to obtain adequate information.
Data maturity model for a company
there are various models for assessing a company’s analytical competencies.
If we focus more on business intelligence, we have the bimm model defined in the cobit framework .
We also have the delta model by thomas davenport where numerous references can be found.
The model mentions three capabilities that every organization should consider:
organization of processes to achieve objectives and implementation of processes.
Human capabilities in search of skills for the promotion of activities and analytical culture.
And technology that enables obtaining quality data and integrated applications.
The model distinguishes the following types of companies:
organizations that do not consider the analysis
in this case, there is no organization of analytical processes and knowledge of customers, markets and competitors is limited.
In terms of technology, they lack integrated processes and the data is of poor quality.
Finally, they do not have a human factor with analytical capabilities or aspirations at either the design or management level, and decision-making is based on intuition and experience.