We are immersed in an era where the volume of data generated is growing in volume and at a significant rate, hence the importance of data mining.
The evolution of technology and computing power allows us to acquire knowledge and competitive advantages through its exploitation through mining.
Old storage sufficient capacity for management. Giving way to systems capable of handling writing and reading. Functions with greater capacity and speed.
The evolution of technology. And infrastructure allows us to access and generate a greater amount. Of data from banking transactions, online commerce. Robotization or interaction between devices, among others.
Interpreting them through
manipulation to find associations, relationships, trends or patterns allows them to be converted into information that can be interpreted by humans.
The ability to obtain information belgium phone number list offers a competitive advantage by facilitating decision-making in any area or sector in an objective manner.
Finally, the possession of information combined with experience. And study over time allows us to acquire the knowledge that. Fosters the actions necessary to achieve the objective. Which may be an increase in sales or. An improvement in efficiency.
Nowadays. Data exploitation can be
directed at sector of activity any sector, whether to improve our customer acquisition rate, sales volume or to improve the efficiency of our operations to reduce costs.
Everything suggests that no
company can afford not to consider increasing its analytical capabilities, either to maintain its position in the market or to grow.
Competitive research and analysis
solve your professional marketing questions.
what is data mining?
Data mining is the science or methodology. That allows data to be exploited with the aim of generating. Models that make it possible to describe. Find patterns. Establish groupings, classify, segment spam data or associate products, clients or any other entity that is the object of obtaining knowledge and applying it to new ones, obtaining immediate action responses.