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5 Simple SEO Techniques For Local Businesses

1. Keywords Are Important, But Long-Tail Keywords Are Better
Okay, you probably already know what keywords are. These are the words that best describe the type of business or service you provide. For example, if your website is promoting your dental service,

keywords you would use would include dentist,

dentistry, dental office, dental service, and so on. The primary keywords would be relevant to the type of service you perform within the community. Adding a local parameter to your keywords could help you attract more customers. For example, if you are an SEO agency in the United Kingdom, a keyword like “seo agency uk” would be a far australia phone resource better choice than a globally ranked “seo agency”. Long-tail keywords are phrases that are still relevant to your industry but say a little bit more. The reason why you want to add long-tail keywords to your SEO strategy is that research indicates that they provide 2.5 times better results than short-tail keywords. Long-tail keywords could be things like affordable dentistry near me, dental office open weekends, dentist located in (name of community), as examples. As you can see, the long-tail keywords just expand on what the short-tail keywords say.

2. One Landing Page Is Good, Local Landing Pages Reach More

The page that first appears on the screen when someone lands on your website is called the landing page. It should say enough about the service you provide to cause visitors to go deeper into your website to find out more. What has been trending in recent years is the addition of several local landing pages on a single website. For example, if your business is in one community, but you provide your service to nearby communities, you should have 20+ best b2b email list providers in 2022 | b2b email list a local landing page for each of those localities. By doing this, you personalize and localize content. Even if you don’t live in the next town over, but offer service to residents in that community, a local landing page will make you look as if you are a part of the community. You do this with content that is personalized to the area. The benefit of doing this as part of your small business marketing is that residents landing on a local landing page will phone number united states of america feel confident in using your service as you clearly belong in that community.

3. Turn Those Meta Descriptions Around

Meta descriptions are curious things. The average website visitor can’t see them but probably ended  search.

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