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XMLHttpRequest: A Comprehensive JavaScript Tutorial

XMLHttpRequest (XHR) is a powerful JavaScript object that enables asynchronous communication

between web browsers and servers

It plays a crucial role in creating dynamic, interactive web applications by allowing you to fetch data from remote locations without blocking the user interface.

Understanding XMLHttpRequest

XMLHttpRequest provides methods and properties for sending and receiving data to and from a server.

The core functionality involves

creating an XHR object, opening a connection to a specified URL, sending a request, and handling the response.

Creating an XMLHttpRequest Object

var xhr = new XMLHttpRequest();
Use code with caution.

Opening a Connection


Use code with caution.

‘GET’: Specifies the HTTP method.
The URL of the resource to request.

true: Indicates that the

equest is asynchronous.
Sending the Request

Use code with caution.

The onload event listener    100% Active Spain Phone Number List  is triggered when the request

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completes successfully.
The xhr.status property indicates the HTTP status code of the response.
The xhr.responseText property contains

the response data as a string.

Error Handling

Use code with caution.

Asynchronous Requests

XMLHttpRequest is designed to handle asynchronous requests, meaning the browser can continue processing other tasks while the request is in progress. This improves user experience by preventing the

UI from freezing.

HTTP Methods

GET: Retrieves data from a specified resource.
POST: Sends data to a server for processing.
PUT: Updates a resource.

Deletes a resource.

HEAD: Retrieves metadata about a resource without the content.
OPTIONS: Retrieves information about the communication options available.
Data Formats

JSON: A popular format for structured data.
XML: A markup language for structured data.

Plain text: For

simple text-based data.
Example: Fetching Data from an API


is a powerful tool for building dynamic  Kenya phone number web applications. By understanding its core concepts and methods, you can effectively fetch data from remote servers and create interactive user experiences.

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